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Pysgotwyr hapus

Mae grŵp o bysgotwyr o Loegr newydd ymadael ar ôl tridiau o geisio ddod o hyd i’r eog mawr neu sewin. Heb lwc – ond yn eu ôl nhw – profiad gwerthfawr er hynny – a wel, bron â bachu dau o faint a phwysau a hyd anhygoel. Ger y bont yn Nantgaredig buon nhw […]

29 May 2024

We are open for comments

Things move on – and thanks to George who continues to be adviser and chief consulting engineer to this website – we have a mechanism for you to respond to things you read here. Give it a go if you’d like to and here’s something for you to get your teeth into or your mind […]

4 March 2024

Spikes and feathers

The postman has delivered the latest report from the Carmarthenshire Bird Club. It is of course not a complete picture of what is going on birdwise in the county but a useful series of snapshots and some local curiosities such as the Woodchat Shrike which put in a brief appearance in June in its capacity […]

31 October 2022

Our new website 

The first post – well, it just has to be to say many many thanks to George who many Christmases ago, I think it was now, offered to set up a website for our self catering business at Rhiwiau.  And now it is done – with his usual attention to detail, not letting the things […]

22 September 2022